Top 5 Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Acidity and Indigestion

Top 5 Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Acidity and Indigestion

Acidity is a common problem in the stomach and it can be felt by warmth and a stinging sensation in the lower part of the stomach which is because of the flow of acid from the food pipe.

If anyone is frequently facing the problem of acidity, then it is known to be Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Causes of Acidity:

  • The fall in Ph level increases the level of acidity. And this Ph level is usually disturbed by stress. So stress is one of the causes of acidity. So it’s better to stress less and stay away from diseases.
  • The excess of alcohol also results in acidity. So it’s better to limit in the drinking of alcohol.
  • Oily and fried foods are also the most common causes of acidity. We use oily food in our day to day life but intake of it in excess is really harmful to us as it becomes difficult to digest the food properly
  • All the food items, especially chocolate, containing products related to caffeine or cocoa are not good for health. When caffeine is taken it ket the connecting muscles of the stomach to the esophagus gets relaxed hence opening the way for acid which cause acidity.
  • Other causes like intake of aerated drinks, yeast, and many more.

What are the symptoms of a bad digestive system?

1. Reflux

After your meal, if you’re feeling the warm sensation in your upper body part or chest, then this is the feeling of reflux. It is caused by the flow of acid from the stomach to the esophagus. But having this feeling more than twice a week as bad as it is the symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

It can cause a serious danger in the esophagus or even at the worst cases esophagus cancer.

2. Foul Breath

If you’re experiencing a foul smell from your breath then the reason can not only be the lack of brushing but it can be due to bad digestion. If you’re feeling a fruity smell then it might be due to diabetes or a fishy smell is related to the problem of the kidney.

3. Food Intolerance

Food Intolerance is usually related to the product that includes gluten and also the absence of enzyme. Enzymes are important for the body to digest the food. For example milk sugar is broken down into smaller molecular particles by the enzyme lactose. But if the enzyme is missing then it can cause stomach ache, diarrhea, gas.

4. Constipation

An average human feces is about 2 to 3 times a day but if you go even less than that or not even once a day or two days then this is the problem of constipation and it is caused by improper digestion of food. The problem of constipation can also lead to anal issues. It is a problem when you’re not able to excrete out waste from your body.

5. Skin problem

If your face is full of acne or rosacea then it might not be because of dirt or dust but it can be caused because of digestive issues. If your body lacks the lipase enzyme then it may not digest fats and cause acne and skin problems. It also lacks the benefit of various vitamins essential for skin like A and E.

6. Difference in Weight

The over and underweight are also the symptoms of digestion. If you’re observing fluctuation in your weight then it could be because of improper digestion of food. All these problems require proper treatment. But Ayurveda has the solution to all the problems and it is one of the traditional medical systems and people trust the process of Ayurveda.

So Ayurvedic medicine for acidity and digestion is very effective with no harmful reaction.

Top 5 Ayurvedic medicine for acidity and digestion problem

1. Baidyanath Aloe Vera Juice

Baidyanath Aloe vera juice consumption flushes out toxins from the body. Baidyanath Aloe Vera Juice with pulp helps to give relief from constipation and acidity. It also protects your liver. Daily consumption of aloe vera juice helps to fight and cure a digestive disorders including poor digestion, constipation, acidity and gas.

Features and Details

1. It Helps build up a healthy digestive system
2. It Helps to reduce fat and gives tones to your body
3. It also Improves your immune system
4. It Protects your liver
5. It Helps in constipation
6. It Helps combat skin allergies
7. It also Beneficial for blood pressure patients
8. Effective for people suffering from joint pain (arthritis)
Weight: 1 Litre
Ingredients: Aloe Vera
Dosage: Consume 30 ml twice a day or as instructed by the doctor

2. Dabur Hingoli

Dabur Hingoli is a very effective and ayurvedic method to get fast relief from acidity and also helps to improve digestive disorders like bad digestive system, constipation. It contains natural herbs and spices that stimulate digestion making it effective against gastric problems.


Hing (Asafoetida), Kali Mirch (Black Pepper), Zeera (cumin), Sauth (ginger extract), Nimbu Saar (lemon extract)

Features and Details

  1. It provides relief in stomach gas, gastritis, bloating, flatulence, and gastric discomfort.
  2. It Helps expel stomach gas and reduces abdominal pain
  3. Chewable tablet

3. Herbal Hills Amla Powder - Emblica Officinalis, Amalaki Powder

Herbal Hills Amla powder has an antioxidant property which helps in healthy digestion. Herbal Hills Amla powder Helps in relieving inflammation of the stomach and colon, and cleanse the intestine hence prevents constipation and improves digestive disorders and reduces the acid level in the stomach and fights inflammation.

It is prepared from the fruit of Emblica officinalis which is selected from the best quality of Amla, to give you best result.

Features and Details

1. It’s an effective cure for constipation.
2. It also helps in maintaining clear skin, healthy hair and good eyesight.
3. It reduces constipation, stimulates the secretion of gastric juices.
4. it reduces the acid level in the stomach and fights inflammation.

Directions for use

Take 3gm of powder, 1 to 2 times a day or as directed by the physician

4. DABUR Pudin Hara Active - Digestive Solution

Dabur Pudin Hara is an ayurvedic medicine for Indigestion, Gas, and Acidity. It contains Pudina Satva that gives quick relief from stomach disorders like stomach ache, gas, and indigestion. Pudin Hara is 100% natural and safe. It Reduces gastritis and GERD symptoms (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Features and Details

  • A trusted and fast-action remedy.
  • Gives relief in gas, bloating, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and other common digestives disorders.
  • It provides short-term relief for Certain microbial infections in the stomach (not as antibiotics)

The main active ingredients in Pudin Hara are:

  • Mentha Piperita – Commonly known as Peppermint (that is a cross between watermint and spearmint)
  • Mentha Spicata- Commonly known as spearmint (also known as garden mint or common mint or lamb mint)


  • Adults- Dilute 15 to 20 drops in a glass of water
  • Children- Dilute 5 to 10 drops in a glass of water

5. Himalaya Gasex

Himalaya Gasex Tablets is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine used as antispasmodic and it helps to Improves digestion and Relieves gaseous distensions.

It gives relief from constitution, distension, acidity, belching, and digestive disorders like poor digestion. Himalaya Gasex 100 Tablet is helpful in improving the bad digestive process and functions and it also helps alleviate bloating and relieves upset stomach and occasional heartburn and acidity.

Gasex Tablet Ingredients:

1. Crowfoot (Prativisha, Bakhma, Aconitum) 65 mg
2. Cowrie (Varatika) Bhasma 32 mg
3. Shankh Bhasma 32 mg
4. Black pepper (Kali Mirch) 19 mg

1. Vaividang
Embelia Ribes 22 mg
2. Triphala 22 mg
3. Ginger (Sunthi) 22 mg

Dosage: 2-3 tablets after meals.